Through my work in community-based organizations since the late 1990s, I have had the opportunity to lead and be a part of many amazing projects. Some of my favorites include:
Creating The Fruition Coalition
Designing and launching The Fruition Academy of Social Imagination and Action (now just The Fruition Academy)
Creating two blogs, The Activist’s Muse and Jesstopia
Creating spaces to facilitate networking including Women's Creative Leadership Network (Feminist Leadership Forum) and Club Fruition
Creating a series of workshops to develop the capacity of community-based organizations
Facilitating a series of workshops to develop marketing and fundraising skills in the performing arts community
Developing several neighborhood and regional revitalization plans
Executive producing an award-winning video about hunger
Creating strategic plans with and for a regional progressive foundation, a therapeutic riding center, a children’s hospice, a networking organization, a regional food bank, and land trust, and a Community Action agency
Creating marketing plans for communities and nonprofit organizations
Organizing the Lehigh Valley Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage
Creating a community-wide transition to kindergarten plan
Creating operations manuals for a multi-site housing and social service organization
Co-managing a construction project to expand a shelter for families experiencing homelessness
Creating a handbook and replication guide for school-based family support services
Editing a regional voter education guide and a statewide political newsletter
Designing and securing funding to launch a technology-based workforce development project
Collaboratively creating a customer service handbook and professional development program for a multi-service organization with 100 employees
Designing a summer park-based educational program to build resilience and prevent summer learning loss
Founding a summer fine arts camp for children
Designing and teaching online, hybrid, and traditional business and leadership classes for returning adult students
Presenting innovative ideas at local, regional, and international conferences both individually and as part of a team
Writing and publishing 11 books about leadership and social change