The Safety of My Home
The safety of my home
Is a luxury I may no longer
Be able to experience
Is a privilege that may soon be
Lost to me forever.
As I sit here I think
That someday
Someday soon
It may all be lost.
Lost to the greed and avarice
Of others.
Others who shall never know me.
Others who shall never care for me
As I leave my home
With no place to go.
Nothing is secure
And everything is irrelevant.
Anything is possible.
As I reflect upon
My younger days
Those days filled with hope
Those days where the future seemed
Much more lovely than today
I wonder if those days I once dreamed of
Shall ever be
Or will I be wandering free
From the past and
Free of any identity
Forever until I die
And then others will come after me
Again and again and again.