8 Tips to Accomplish Goals on Your Own

Q: If you need to accomplish something and you have no help to push you through, how do you it?
A: It can be difficult to stay on track toward our goals when we don’t have someone actively supporting our work. I’ve been in this situation, too. Here are some suggestions to accomplish your goals, regardless of the support you have from other people.
Identify your internal resistance. Is there a reason why you feel hesitant to move forward without external validation and support? Identifying the sources of resistance that you may be feeling will help you move past them.
Connect with your motivation. You have identified a goal. Why is this important to you? Connecting with the reason why you are pursing something as you are doing it will keep you focused and moving forward.
Realize that ‘you’re it!’ Ultimately, you are responsible for your actions. While it’s nice to have a cheerleader, coach, and mentor, that just isn’t always the reality. And when we do have someone like that on our side, they may not always be available to us because they are working on their own projects.
Establish an accountability system. Tell someone what you are doing to do. Post it on social media so the whole world will (potentially) know. By stating your intentions to another person or people, you may feel a stronger sense of obligation because you know that others are watching and waiting.
Enjoy a reward. Celebrate your progress, however small. Do something that you enjoy doing — something just for you – when you achieve milestones on your journey.
Build a support network. If you don’t have a mentor or sponsor, it may be beneficial to connect with a peer who shares or complements your experiences. The Women’s Creative Leadership Network is one way for you to connect with others and ask for advice or support.
Identify other resources that you need – and go after them! You may feel stuck because there are resources – like relationships, facilities, or materials – that you need to make progress. Make a list of everything that you need and then develop a plan to get (or borrow) those items.
Share your vision. Tell other people about what you are trying to accomplish, why this is important to you, and how this will benefit them. Get people excited and involved in your work – even if they are not directly with you every step of the way. Find your “first follower” to motivate you and start creating your vision.